Fine Editions Ltd

640 Willow Valley Square
Suite I-501 Lancaster, PA, U.S.A. 17602

+1 917-969-7418

Librería en AbeBooks desde 5 de septiembre de 2006

Valoración del vendedor:

Valoración 5 estrellas, Learn more about seller ratings

Miembro de asociación:

Sobre este vendedor

The 'Fine' in our name refers both to the matter of condition (with few exceptions, we only stock exceptional examples) and to the perspective we take on collecting. Our focus is on editions of aesthetic merit, whether because of their bindings, typography, plates, or even dust-jacket art. From the hand-press period, we favor emblem books, poetry and prose; titles drawn from the landmark exhibition, Printing & the Mind of Man; and works on travel, the classical world, and landscape design, many with hand-colored engravings and maps. Our nineteenth-century holdings include early Baedekers and Americana and plate books with all genres and styles of illustration. Finally, in the area of modern firsts, the slant is toward literary high spots, often drawn from the lists compiled by Cyril Connolly (The Modern Movement) and Anthony Burgess (99 Novels) and from the Time 100. Please visit often, in search of rare, unusual, and fine editions from five centuries.

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Miembro de asociación

Los miembros de estas asociaciones están comprometidos a mantener los estándares más altos. Ellos garantizan la autenticidad de los artículos que ofrecen a la venta. Tienen descripciones expertas y detalladas, señalan los defectos significativos y/o restauraciones, muestran los precios exactos y llevan a cabo un servicio de imparcialidad y honestidad durante la experiencia de la compra.

Condiciones de venta

We sell only genuine rare and antiquarian books. Every effort has been made to describe them carefully and accurately, and all are unconditionally guaranteed. Any item may be returned if found unsatisfactory for any reason within 10 days of purchase, with prior notification via email. Refunds are limited to the original purchase price, including initial delivery costs. Returns must be carefully packaged and promptly shipped.

Condiciones de envío

Orders usually ship within 3 business days. Shipping costs are based on books weighing 2.2 LB, or 1 KG. If your book order is heavy or over-sized, we may contact you to let you know extra shipping is required.